Snake Valley is bounded on the west side by the Snake and Deep Creek Ranges, tall mountain ranges extending over 12,000 feet tall and catching large amounts of snow that allow perennial streams to flow down their flanks. The mountains on the east side, the Fish Springs, Confusion, Foote, and Conger Ranges, are lower in elevation, but no less interesting due to the proliferation of fossils and geologic strata that differ from their neighbors to the west. The south end of Snake Valley is intersected by the Needle Point and Mountain Home Range, with Hamlin Valley smoothly flowing into the southwest part of Snake Valley. As Snake Valley trends downhill, the northernmost part simply fades into the massive salt flats known as the Great Salt Lake Desert.

The principal communities in Snake Valley, from north to south, are Callao, Trout Creek, Partoun, EskDale, Baker, and Garrison.

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